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Turkey of turizm

The first is the young Republic of Turkey to Europe to promote the 1926 Grand Önder Atatürk performed by Floating Fair project on behalf of our country 81 years later with the name Bluexpo again to life, and 2 - 18 June, 2007 between the first Bluexpo project successfully, were organized. Bluexpo project first victory of the new concept was influential in shaping and all tourism in Turkey for promotion of Turkey Presentation targeted Ship Project, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, TÜRSAB (Turkey Travel Agencies Association) and Turofed'in (Turkey Hoteliers Federation) supported the implementation has been .

Yeniçağ Fair Approach "BLUEXPO"
Fairs of the new route Bluexpo; world water reaches everywhere products and services that each travel in different sectors and businessmen to target markets in the port brings together a modern vessel in different sizes designed exhibition stand, products and services to be exhibited, which is understanding Yeniçağ fairs.

Republic of Turkey's first "Face the Fair" Experience
Republic's first years of Turkish goods to the world of Turkish industry to promote and to develop plans by Atatürk and implement a project of the "Face the Fair", in June 1926 with 180 passengers and 105 crew went off and lasted 86 days. At that time the young Republic of Turkey in Europe produced a limited number of products in 16 ports in 12 countries were presented.

81 Years After United Önder Atatürk's project took place
1926 in the United Önder after a successful European Tour in the Black Sea countries have targeted to achieve a Floating Fair project, but because of the circumstances of the life period of this project could not go. Organization's first big project will Bluexpo accepted as leaders by the even greater excitement and request a meeting with.

Was held between 2-18 June 2007 Bluexpo - Black Sea Hotel & Restaurant Equipment Exhibition EQHO 2007 has resulted in success. 71 participants of the industry leading companies with 14,977 professional visitors of the Black Sea countries meet in the most important port is 8. 2 June 2007 in Istanbul with the way the Bluexpo, 4 - 5 June 2007 in Varna, Bulgaria, 6 - 7 June 2007 Constanta / Romania, 8 - 9 June 2007 Odessa / Ukraine, 10 - 11 June 2007 Yalta / Ukraine, 12 - 13 June 2007 Sochi / Russia 14 - 15 June 2007 Batumi / Georgia and finally on 16 June 2007 has been to Trabzon to Istanbul was back. Participating companies in the first place Bluexpo project by performing important business connections reached export targets, but also the cultural activities contribute to create an effective image of Turkey has been made.

Bluexpo'nun New Concept of Tourism
World tourism is growing rapidly every year. According to the World Tourism Organization data, in 2020 increased by 1.5 billion to 2 times the number of tourists, tourism revenues increased by only 3 times is expected to reach 2 trillion dollars. Cultural and natural beauties of our country by developing the tourism industry by taking share from more employment, regional development and the current account deficit is targeted to produce solutions to problems. 40 million tourists in 2013 Turkey and 40 billion dollars in tourism revenues to reach the goal of the project produces. In addition to Turkey in the international market until the year 2023 the number of tourists and tourism revenue for the first five countries and an important destination to become an international brand with the target is moving. Vertiginous growth of our country in the tourism sector has set targets to achieve more effective and more efficient presentation of the project needs.

Turkey is being advertised with all the Tourism Value
Turkey Presentation Ship, built by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism "2023 Strategy", depending what was planned. In this context, sustainable tourism approach to increasing employment and regional development in the tourism sector, leading to a free and Turkey by the year 2023 in the international market as the number of tourists and tourism revenue for the first five countries is an important international destination and a brand to make the goals are to act with. Towards this goal in Turkey's sea and sand and sun of the next mass-tourism, cultural tourism, faith tourism, health and thermal tourism, eco tourism, adventure tourism, winter tourism, sport tourism and conference tourism in the short, all the natural and cultural wonders with the introduction is planned.

Turkey and Black Sea Countries with Bluexpo Left
Presentation of the first project in Turkey Bluexpo Ships to cover our closest neighbors are planned in the Black Sea Basin. Russia's first project in Turkey Presentation ship, Ukraine, Romania and Bulgaria, Turkey is an important tourist potential. The number of tourists each year in the 4 countries and the rapid increase in each of these countries abroad and 100 tourists prefer Turkey to the 27'sinin the first project to cover the Black Sea basin has been effective in planning.
Turkey-Black Sea Ship Bluexpo Presentation, 19 May 2008 on the United Önder Atatürk's Liberation Struggle in the start date and will be launched. The establishment of the Republic on the way to the start of the Liberation Struggle in Turkey in Samsun is to act with purpose to promote the world, which will ship Samsun, respectively Russia's Sochi in May 20-21, May 23-24 in Ukraine's Odessa, 25 -- May 27-28 May 26 in Romania and in Bulgaria's Varna Port of Constanta to Istanbul on May 29 to visit and will return.

Transportation of water where the target is to introduce Turkey
Black Sea project, the Mediterranean, Western Europe, North Europe, the Gulf, America and the Far East project will be implemented. In short, where to arrive Bluexpo water will continue to move to Turkey. Planned, the process is complete, our country, all over the world will become a brand. Go anywhere in the Turkish culture, Turkey's value in a comprehensive way to identify priority targets. "Turkey" name brand, beautiful destinations in our country from each other to move brand awareness geçtiğinin Bluexpo team, will announce to the world the beauties of our country and proud of being is joy.


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