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Sheraton Hotel of turkey

Sheraton Hotel & Convention Center Concierge team every day of the week, every hour of the day to meet you and güleryüzle during your stay you are in the best way to help. Restaurantlara shopping centers, historical places to the night life, you want to browse around and see all the details of where you can consult the concierge team.
Our Chief Sedat Tuncay, only experienced concierge in the international services sector officials hakettikleri? Les clefs D? Or? Gold is the symbol of the proud title is key. This title has been given to him with specific certificates. In other words our guests to Ankara? The accommodation is intended to convert to an unforgettable experience.

Team and more sizere offer the following services be able to honor;

* Restaurant reservations
* Theater / Theater tickets
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* City tours
* Baby / child carer
* Send Flowers
* Local knowledge

Sedat Bey? E in every individual needs to be able to consult directly to the +90 312 457 6000 No? Lu phone or e-mail address can be found Sedat.Tuncay @


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Çanakkale Assos Turkey

Historical house in a village, medieval architecture through structure resembles'll. When walking on stones in the hills of thousands of years, has been established against the sparkling sea, the ancient inhabitants of the city, how much do you think they are lucky. In the search for traces of the past among the ruins, also ignored the smell of thyme multiplier to your nose do not want to sell goods that you arada.Dolaşırken insist that merchants look like taleplerinide sales. Kurduğu century Midilli Methymnalı'ların from Mö.VII suppositional Assos'ta first excavations, between the years 1881-1883, the American excavation team headed by Clark and Bacon were realized. But years later in 1980, archaeologists and experts Prof.Dr.ümit Serdaroğlu chairman of the Turkish team, with excavations began again. As a result, in the middle of the effort to work out like the ancient theater Prof. ortaya.2005 who died intestate on Serdaroğlu Dr.ümit Behramkale Village has been buried in t

Ağrı DoğuBeyazıt Of Turkey

Where one of the most recent visit Doğubayazıt. Connected to the Iran border Doğubeyazıt Agri province in Turkey - a town on the way to transit Iran. County has a rich history. And a castle in the formation of the Urartu Beyazıt old tombs, the city was based on a very old date. Iran has signed with an interesting business move Doğubayazıt'ta limit border trade protocol because of the county economy, with exports and imports to gain vitality. Open market for goods imported from here from neighboring provinces to the districts to exchange a great deal more than people. Other sources of livelihood usually animals, the sections dealing with agriculture in this area, although many do not get an image. These are a few little information about the district. Tourism is more interested in us will be visiting places of course. World-famous within the limits of the Agri Mountain Doğubayazıt district. Two months of the year on top of the snow melts in the mountains is not Pain is usually July,

Bozca Ada history and hote

According Herodot'a the old name Tenedos, now known as the first residents of Bozcaada Pelasg'lar (or Pelazziler) imiş, from 2000 years ago Jesus Muhtelemen settled in the island. O tarihlerde 1500 yıl kadar sonra ise ionya kentleri ve adaların tümüyle birlikte Bozcada da Perslerce tahrip edilmiş.İsa'dan Önce 334 yılı baharında Batı Anadolu'ya gelen Büyük İskender, Çanakkale Boğazı'nı geçip Anadolu'nun bu bölümüne ve Ege Adalarına el koymuş. In that time, the 1500 year ionya all cities and islands in Bozca with Perslerce destroyed edilmiş.İsa from 334 first year in the spring of Alexander the Great was in Western Anatolia, pass the Dardanelles Straits, and this part of Anatolia and the Aegean islands have their hands. İsa'dan önce birinci yüzyılda Roma hakimiyetine giren Ada, 395 yılında İmparatorluğun ikiye bölünmesi üzerine tüm Çanakkkale Bölgesiyle birlikte Doğu Roma'nın, yani Bizans'ın elinde kalmış. In the first century before Christ entered the